About the Brand

On November 9th, 1967, the first Rolling Stone magazine was published, featuring John Lennon on the cover. Its goal was simple: to showcase the musical tastes and general views of the then-teenaged Baby Boomer generation. And although it certainly paved the way for future music publications to come, a significant audience category has consistently been left unrecognized in the music-mag scene. What is there to read for the women and girls who have grown out of Tiger Beat, but still want to read about their favorite bands? Where is a magazine written by fans, for fans, that has the clean, modern feel of Pitchfork or Billboard, but with none of the competitive pretentiousness of music critics that “just don’t get it?”

Enter TCB/TPWK. Named after slogans from two of the most iconic musical heartthrobs in fangirl history, our goal is in the title— Taking Care of Business, Treat People With Kindness. We’re a feel-good magazine that dives deep into the cultural significance of boy bands and other pop groups over the years. The music industry has historically been powered by women’s fanatic dedication to their favorite musicians, yet women’s coverage has been minimal. TCB/TPWK aims to close that gap between the genders by publishing articles, interviews, and more with a women-centric focus.

Concept Collage

Onliness Factors

What: The only multimedia, music-focused publication written by and for women

How: that focuses on boy bands and pop group culture

Who: for both seasoned fans and newcomers

Where: on and offline

Why: who want to learn more about the music industry, pop culture, and music history

When: in an era where the internet has more influence than ever.

Our magazine is the only music-focused publication that is written by and for women of all ages, whose lasting dedication and influence have helped so many musicians rise to stardom.

Identity Basics

Brand Goals

We’re creating a best-of-both-worlds magazine with all the pep and easy reading of Bop Magazine, but none of the gaudy bubblegum-pop look. Combining boy band talk with a level of in-depth analysis and historical context that is largely left out of other publications, TCB/TPWK is for past and current fangirls alike. How many times have you heard someone say, “that’s for girls,” as an insult to your favorite TV show or hobby? We know what you’re thinking when they say it— why is that such a bad thing? TCB/TPWK’s job is to dissect that sentiment and get to the root of it. Alongside thoughtful pieces on music’s hottest stars, other articles discuss the stigmatization of women’s interests, as well as other marginalized interests in the music industry. Our magazine isn’t written for the record labels or the people who care about chart placement. It’s written for the people that labels don’t, or won’t, cater to, and people who love music purely for music’s sake.


Design For the Mind


La Brea Tar Pits