My name is Janie Shives (Jay-nee Shy-vz), and I’m a designer with a passion for all things branding and typographical. My goal when designing is to create something that acknowledges its roots, yet embraces the new— that’s what I believe the key is to creating visual communications that appeal across generations and last the test of time. When creating something that’s inspired by design of the past, I believe a designer must always remember that there is a fine line between parody, pastiche, and homage. I aim to toe that line with purpose, combining vintage and modern design sensibilities for today’s world. By working with unconventional typography, bold logos, and clean, structured layouts, I try my best to create something that speaks for itself in a way that’s simple and striking.

After realizing that marine biology wasn’t meant to be, I hopped into the world of graphic design and had the opportunity to study abroad for a semester in Florence, Italy. Now that I’ve graduated with a degree in Communication Design from Texas State University, I aim to one day create album covers like those that first inspired me to join the artistic field.

When not designing, you can find me browsing the local record shop, grabbing some Italian food, or practicing crochet.

Let’s work together!

Please provide me with the details of your project, and I will get back to you as soon as I’m able.

Please include in your message: Subject, desired format (physical media/digital use/etc.), potential timeframe, budget estimate, and/or any other details you think may be relevant in describing your idea.

The more information you provide, the easier it will be for me to figure out a path forward for your project. Thank you!